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About publications

Since publishing my first aviationphoto in 1993 much of my work in the form of articles, pictures and news items has appeared in print.

I have reported about certain aircraft types, squadrons, complete airforces, exercises and airshows. The world's leading aviation magazines are among the periodicals that have used my work.

In my articles I try to be as detailed as possible without revealing military secrets or discussing religion or politics. I depend on information given by the visited unit and the photo opportunities offered. If you wish, the article I produce could be send to you for verification before it is published. If you would like a sample of one of my articles in PDF format contact me! 

Would you like special (air-to-air) pictures of your airforce, squadron or aircraft for promotional purposes? Do you require special pictures of a certain exercise or event? Send me an e-mail so we can discuss your requirements and my role in fulfilling these! 

I have an immense archive containing 25000+ images available for licensed reproduction in magazines, brochures and other publications. The quality of my images is second to none.

Robin Polderman 2005-2016